Why I love Pre Wound Bobbins?

First of all they come pre-wound with a higher density of thread than if you wind your own bobbin on a machine.

Usually people who wind their own bobbins will notice the thread filling a clump at one end before moving to the other end. The best bobbins in the market like Wonderfil DecoBob Pre-Wound bobbins are wound completely at the factory which means your stitches will be a lot more consistent when quilting or sewing.

A good Bobbin like Wonderfil’s is not sprayed with glue which leaves residue on the thread that will eventually cause build ups in your machine and will reduce stitch consistency. This means that a good glue-free bobbin will make your machine happy.

The thread is wound in a reusable plastic bobbin which means you refill them as many times as you wish in the future.

A good pre-wound bobbin should be around 80 wt thread. This thread size in the bobbin will reduce the bulk in all of your seams and allow them to lay crisp and flat.

A good pre-wound bobbin should also be made out of cottonized polyester thread because it’s matte finish will help it blend into your fabric so that the bobbin thread shows less.

Happy Quilting!


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